Continuous Briefing and User Participation in Building Projects

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Briefing is not just about specifying needs as requirements but also about evaluating how well design pro-posals fulfill the needs and aspirations. Furthermore, briefing is not only about building design. Briefing starts at the pre-project stage to create a basis for the project decision. It includes an initial strategic brief-ing to define the overall vision and objectives. Parallel to the design briefing it is necessary to carry out a briefing process related to interior design and building operation and before the building is commissioned a briefing process related to moving into the building is required. A building project is often part of a change process of the organisation that is going to occupy the building, and this change process should be management carefully to reach a successful result. An important aspect of briefing is to manage the par-ticipation of the coming users in the process. This paper includes a literature study on briefing and user participation in building projects and presents a case study of a major ongoing building project DR Byen - a new headquarters for DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) in Copenhagen. The paper describes the briefing processes and the methods for user participation, identifies problem areas and point out possible improvements. The author has been actively involved in the project as deputy project director with re-sponsibility for the briefing process until spring 2005 and is now a researcher.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationadaptables 2006 : Proceedings of the joint CIB, Tensinet, IASS International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction
    Number of pages155
    Volumevolume 3
    Place of PublicationEindhoven, The Netherlands
    PublisherEindhoven University of Technology
    Publication date2006
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    Event2006 International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
    Duration: 3 Jul 20065 Jul 2006


    Conference2006 International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction
    LocationEindhoven University of Technology


    • user participation
    • Briefing
    • strategic briefing
    • case study


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