Considerations on a survey method to collect long distance travel data when only asking about the two latest journeys

Linda Christensen*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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The paper describes a new Danish survey about journeys abroad with overnight stay(s). The survey is used to investigate if it is possible to collect long distance travel data by only asking for information about the latest journey. It is shown that it is not enough to include the latest journey, and that it is necessary to ask for the exact date of returning home from the journey before the most recent journey. The gap time between the two journeys is analysed by non-parametric survival modelling. The number of annual journeys per inhabitant is estimated and a multiplier for each journey is developed. It is shown that the methodology more than doubles the number of reported journeys compared to a traditional retrospective survey reporting the journeys during 3 months.
Original languageEnglish
JournalTransportation Research Procedia
Pages (from-to)553-562
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Long distance travel
  • Latest journey
  • Survey methodology


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