Confidence Interval Based Distributionally Robust Real-Time Economic Dispatch Approach Considering Wind Power Accommodation Risk

Peng Li, Ming Yang, Qiuwei Wu

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    This paper proposes a confidence interval based distributionally robust real-time economic dispatch (CI-DRED) approach, which considers the risk related to accommodating wind power. In this paper, only the wind power curtailment and load shedding due to wind power disturbances are evaluated in the operational risk. The proposed approach can strike a balance between the operational costs and risk even when the wind power probability distribution cannot be precisely estimated. A novel ambiguity set is developed based on the imprecise probability theory, which can be constructed based on the point-wise or family-wise confidence intervals. The worst pair of distributions in the established ambiguity set is then identified, and the original CI-DRED problem is transformed into a determined nonlinear dispatch problem accordingly. By using the sequential convex optimization method and piecewise linear approximation method, the nonlinear dispatch model is reformulated as a mixed integer linear programming problem, for which off-the-shelf solvers are available. A fast inactive constraint filtration method is also applied to further relieve the computational burden. Numerical results on the IEEE 118-bus system and a real 445-bus system verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)58 - 69
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Ambiguity set
    • Confidence interval
    • Distributionally
    • Robust, economic dispatch
    • Imprecise probability theory
    • Operational risk


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