Conceptual service architecture for adaptive mobile location services

Saowanee Schou

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This paper presents a conceptual service architecture for adaptive mobile location services designed to be used on the next generation wireless network. The developed service architecture consists of a set of concepts, principles, rules and guidelines for constructing, deploying, and operating the mobile location services. The service architecture identifies the components required to build the mobile location services and describes how these components are combined and how they should interact. As a means of exploring the developed conceptual service architecture, an illustrative case study of a new-concept tracking service is chosen to demonstrate the applicability of the architecture. Through the case study, the service request and response processes will be illustrated. New possible service functions provided by the developed service architecture will be examined and discussed in comparison with the functions provided by the existing tracking services on the current network to show the usefulness and value of the developed service architecture.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of The International Conference on Information Networking, 2008
    Publication date2008
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    EventInternational Conference on Information Networking, 2008. - Busan, Korea, Republic of
    Duration: 23 Jan 200825 Jan 2008


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Information Networking, 2008.
    Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of

    Bibliographical note

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