Concentration device

Jens Andersen Gad (Inventor), Heidi Enemark (Inventor), Mohammad Nafi Solaiman Al-Sabi (Inventor), Jørgen Kurtzhals (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A concentration device (2) for filter filtration concentration of particles (4) from a volume of a fluid (6). The concentration device (2) comprises a filter (8) configured to filter particles (4) of a predefined size in the volume of the fluid (6). The concentration device (2) comprises an ultrasonic transducer (10) that is configured to clean the filter (8).
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP2607881
    Filing date26/06/2013
    Priority date21/12/2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2013

    Bibliographical note

    Application number 11195044.0 – 1213. Issued at: 23th November 2012.


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