Computational inverse design for ultra-compact single-piece metalenses free of chromatic and angular aberration

Zin Lin*, Charles Roques-Carmes, Rasmus E. Christiansen, Marin Soljačić, Steven G. Johnson

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    We present full-Maxwell topology-optimization design of a single-piece multilayer metalens, about 10 wavelengths λ in thickness, which simultaneously focuses over a 60° angular range and a 23% spectral bandwidth without suffering chromatic or angular aberration, a “plan-achromat.” At all angles and frequencies, it achieves diffraction-limited focusing (Strehl ratio >0.8) and an absolute focusing efficiency of >50%. Both 2D and 3D axisymmetric designs are presented, optimized over ∼ 10 5 degrees of freedom. We also demonstrate shortening the lens-to-sensor distance while producing the same image as for a longer “virtual” focal length and maintaining plan-achromaticity. These proof-of-concept designs demonstrate the ultra-compact multifunctionality that can be achieved by exploiting the full wave physics of subwavelength designs and motivate future work on design and fabrication of multilayer metaoptics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number041104
    JournalApplied Physics Letters
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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