Computational fluid dynamics using in vivo ultrasound blood flow measurements

Marie Sand Traberg, Mads Møller Pedersen, Martin Christian Hemmsen, Michael Bachmann Nielsen, Jørgen Arendt Jensen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This paper presents a model environment for construction of patient-specific computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models for the abdominal aorta (AA). Realistic pulsatile velocity waveforms are employed by using in vivo ultrasound blood flow measurements. Ultrasound is suitable for acquisition of blood
    velocity profiles, but these are influenced by noise, which will cause convergence problems in CFD simulations. Therefore, physiological smoothing of the velocity profiles is needed. This paper uses the Womersley-Evans model for physiological smoothing of measured blood velocity profiles in the AA. The geometry for the CFD simulation model was obtained by segmentation of MRI scans using a 3 Tesla scanner (Magnetom Trio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). Spectral velocity data were obtained from a BK Medical ProFocus scanner using a research interface. All data were obtained from healthy volunteers. The estimated and smoothed velocity profiles were quantitatively compared. The energy contained in the velocity profile after smoothing is 65% larger relative to the noise contaminated estimated profiles. In conclusion, a model environment that produces realistic patient-specific CFD simulation models without
    convergence issues has been developed. The data processing for the model environment can be performed within six hours which is fast enough to be used in the clinical setting.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
    Number of pages4
    Publication date2012
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium - The International Congress Center, Dresden, Germany
    Duration: 7 Oct 201210 Oct 2012


    Conference2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
    LocationThe International Congress Center
    Internet address


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