COMPRENDO: Focus and approach

U. Schulte-Oehlmann, T. Albanis, A. Allera, J. Bachmann, P. Berntsson, N. Beresford, D.C. Carnivali, F. Ciceri, T. Dagnac, J. Falandysz, S. Galassi, D. Hala, G. Janer, R. Jeannot, S. Jobling, I. King, D. Kingmüller, W. Kloas, Kresten Ole Kusk, R. LevadaS. Lo, I. Lutz, J. Oehlmann, S. Oredsson, C. Porte, M. Rand-Weaver, V. Sakkas, M. Sugni, C. Tyler, R. van Aerle, C. van Ballegoy, Leah Wollenberger

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


    Tens of thousands of man-made chemicals are in regular use and discharged into the environment. Many of them are known to interfere with the hormonal systems in humans and wildlife. Given the complexity of endocrine systems, there are many ways in which endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can affect the body’s signaling system, and this makes unraveling the mechanisms of action of these chemicals difficult. A major concern is that some of these EDCs appear to be biologically active at extremely low concentrations. There is growing evidence to indicate that the guiding principle of traditional toxicology that “the dose makes the poison” may not always be the case because some EDCs do not induce the classical dose–response relationships. The European Union project COMPRENDO (Comparative Research on Endocrine Disrupters—Phylogenetic Approach and Common Principles focussing on Androgenic/Antiandrogenic Compounds) therefore aims to develop an understanding of potential health problems posed by androgenic and antiandrogenic compounds (AACs) to wildlife and humans by focusing on the commonalities and differences in responses to AACs across the animal kingdom (from invertebrates to vertebrates).
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEnvironmental Health Perspectives
    Issue numberSupplement 1
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2006
    EventInternational Workshop on Ecological Relevance of Chemical-Induced Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife - University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
    Duration: 5 Jul 20047 Jul 2004


    ConferenceInternational Workshop on Ecological Relevance of Chemical-Induced Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife
    LocationUniversity of Exeter
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

    Bibliographical note

    COMPRENDO: Comparative research on endocrine disrupters


    • androgens
    • antiandrogens
    • endocrine disruptor
    • environmental health
    • molecular screening
    • phylogenetic approach
    • wildlife exposure


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