Compositions and methods for modeling Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism

Bernard Palsson (Inventor), Imandokht Famili (Inventor), Pengcheng Fu (Inventor), Jens B. Nielsen (Inventor), Jochen Förster (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The invention provides an in silica model for determining a S. cerevisiae physiological function. The model includes a data structure relating a plurality of S. cerevisiae reactants to a plurality of S. cerevisiae reactions, a constraint set for the plurality of S. cerevisiae reactions, and commands for determining a distribution of flux through the reactions that is predictive of a S. cerevisiae physiological function. A model of the invention can further include a gene database containing information characterizing the associated gene or genes. The invention further provides methods for making an in silica S. cerevisiae model and methods for determining a S. cerevisiae physiological function using a model of the invention. The invention provides an in silica model for determining a S. cerevisiae physiological function. The model includes a data structure relating a plurality of S. cerevisiae reactants to a plurality of S. cerevisiae reactions, a constraint set for the plurality of S. cerevisiae reactions, and commands for determining a distribution of flux through the reactions that is predictive of a S. cerevisiae physiological function. A model of the invention can further include a gene database containing information characterizing the associated gene or genes. The invention further provides methods for making an in silica S. cerevisiae model and methods for determining a S. cerevisiae physiological function using a model of the invention.
Original languageEnglish
IPC G01N33/48; G06F17/30; G06F19/00
Patent numberWO03036296
Filing date13/06/2012
Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Priority date26/10/2001
Priority numberUS20010344447P
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

Also published as: WO03036296 (A1); WO03036296 (A9); US2010280803 (A1); US8170852 (B2); US2003228567 (A1); US7751981 (B2); JP2012164338 (A); JP2009187562 (A); JP5081187 (B2); JP2005507108 (A); EP2434421 (A2); EP2434421 (A3); EP1438580 (A1); EP1438580 (A4); CA2462099 (A1); CA2462099 (C); AU2002348089 (B2)


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