Composition comprising lignin and antidi arrheal component

Gunner Jacobsen (Inventor), Jens Kristian Munk (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present invention relates to a composition comprising lignin and at least one compound selected from the group consisting of bromelain, papain, tannin, carvacrol, thymol, alliin, allicin, fenugreek seed, egg, poppy, poppy seeds, humic acid, roots, kaolin, catechu, cellulase, flavonoid and isphagula husk. In particular it relates to the use of said composition as a food, feed, and/or food- or feed supplement. Additionally it relates to the method of preparing the composition.
    Original languageEnglish
    IPCA23K1/12; A23K1/14
    Patent numberWO2008049437
    Filing date02/05/2008
    Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    Priority date26/10/2006
    Priority numberDK20060001388
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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