Compensation of Reactive Power from Wind Turbines with Power Electronics Equipment

Jørgen Kaas Pedersen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Wind turbines with induction generators consume reactive power. Apart from the no load consumption, which is nearing constant and is being compensated for using capacitors, the consumption of reactive power varies almost proportional with the power production, which can vary immensely. Except that the supply line must deliver the reactive current with ensuing losses, the strong variation also will cause varying inductive voltage losses in the supply with flicker as a consequence. With power electronic equipment it is possible to produce the reactive power on location and reduce the losses and voltage fluctuations in the line. In the paper a description is being given of a 100 kvar power electronic reactive power compensator built by SILCON Ltd and Technical University of Denmark in cooperation with ELSAM and Nordkraft. The compensator was tested connected to three wind turbines in a windmill farm in Western Denmark. The electrical circuit and the working principle of the compensator are described and some measurements are given. Further is being described a 2x4 Mvar reactive power compensator placed in another wind mill farm on totally 24 WM in Western Denmark for compensating the whole farm. Commissioning of the compensator is planned to January 1997. The compensator is a result of an EU-project with participation of SIEMENS (D), who is constructing the compensator, ELSAM (DK), SH (DK), UMIST (UK) and DTU (DK).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIntegration of Wind Power Plants in the Enviroment and Electric System
    Place of PublicationRoma
    PublisherEuropean Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
    Publication date1996
    Publication statusPublished - 1996
    EventEWEA '96: Special Topic Conference on Integration of Wind Power Plants in the Environment and Electric Systems - Rome, Italy
    Duration: 7 Oct 19969 Oct 1996


    ConferenceEWEA '96

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