Comparison of the karyotypes ofPsathyrostachys juncea andP. huashanica (Poaceae) studied by banding techniques

Ib Linde-Laursen, R. von Bothmer

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The karyotypes of P. juncea (Elymus junceus) and P. huashanica (both outbreeders) were investigated by Feulgen-staining and by C-, N-, and Ag-banding, based on a single plant in each case. Both species have 2n = 2x = 14 and large chromosomes, possibly a generic character. The karyotype of P. juncea has 8 metacentrics and 6 SAT-chromosomes with minute, heterochromatic satellites while that of P. huashanica has 9 metacentrics and 5 SAT-chromosomes only, 2 of which with small, heterochromatic satellites. The C-banding patterns of P. juncea chromosomes comprise from one to five, mostly small, bands at distal and terminal positions, while those of P. huashanica chromosomes are characterized by large telomeric bands in most arms. Banding patterns and chromosome morphology allow identification of the homologues of the seven chromosome pairs in P. juncea, but of two pairs in P. huashanica only. The patterns of both taxa are polymorphic, supporting that both taxa are outbreeders. The karyotypic characters suggest that P. juncea is more closely related to P. fragilis than either is to P. huashanica. N-banding stains weakly. Silver nitrate staining demonstrates that nucleolus organizers of both species have different nucleolus forming capacities. The presence of micronucleoli suggests that both species have an extra unidentified chromosome with nucleolus forming capacity.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPlant Systematics and Evolution
    Issue number3-4
    Pages (from-to)213-214
    Publication statusPublished - 1986


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