Comparison of Simulations and Offshore Measurement Data of a Combined Floating Wind and Wave Energy Demonstration Platform

Anders Yde, Torben J. Larsen, Anders Melchior Hansen, Miguel Fernandez, Sarah Bellew

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    In this paper, results from comparisons of simulations and measured offshore data from a floating combined wind and wave energy conversion system are presented. The numerical model of the platform is based on the aeroelastic code, HAWC2, developed by DTU Wind Energy, which is coupled with a special external system that reads the output generated directly by the wave analysis software WAMIT. The main focus of the comparison is on the statistical trends of the platform motion, mooring loads, and turbine loads in measurements and simulations during different operational conditions. Finally, challenges and possible approaches for further model development and validation are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Ocean and Wind Energy
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)129–137
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Loads
    • Wind turbine
    • Control
    • Aeroelasticity
    • Floating
    • Waves
    • Hydrodynamics


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