Comparison campaign of XCT systems using machined standards representative of additively manufactured parts

Anne-Françoise Obaton, Danilo Quagliotti, Catherine Yardin, Klaus Liltorp, Leonardo De Chiffre

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Additive manufacturing enables the production of complex geometries, both internally and externally. This poses a challenge to quality control. Non-destructive volumetric testing methods are required. Among these methods, X-ray computed tomography is currently the most promising. It enables not only to detect inner and outer defects but also to perform dimensional measurements. However, the method lacks of metrological tracability. To fill this gap, an EMPIR project 17IND08 AdvanCT involving several European countries was proposed. In this frame, DTU Mekanik and LNE have conducted a comparison campaign of XCT systems using machined material measures representative of additively manufactured parts. The purpose of the comparison was to investigate the performances of industrial X-ray computed tomography with respect to dimensional measurements on external but also on internal features.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2022
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event11th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography - Virtual event
Duration: 8 Feb 202211 Feb 2022


Conference11th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography
LocationVirtual event


  • Comparison campaign
  • Round robin test
  • X-ray computed tomography (XCT)
  • Dimensional metrology
  • Material measure
  • Additive manufacturing (AM)


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