Comparing the Gained Benefits from Product Configuration Systems Based on Maintenance Efforts

Sara Shafiee*, Lars Hvam, Anders Haug

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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Product Configuration Systems (PCSs) are automatic solutions to support and facilitate sales and engineering processes. PCSs are among the most successful applications of expert system
technology and one of the drivers in the digitalization era. Therefore, there are several studies on the benefits of PCS. Such studies are, however, often relatively undetailed or unspecific
about the costs and benefits of such projects. To address this issue, this paper presents studies of four PCS projects, which quantify benefits in terms of reduced working hours, and the costs in terms of development, implementation, and maintenance costs. The studies of the PCS projects each concern a 3-year utilization period. Our results show that the gained benefits from PCS has a growing trend over the years in case of proper maintenance. We also demonstrate the opposite is the case if not properly maintaining the PCSs. Furthermore, the study reveals that PCSs with the constant maintenance grow increasingly popular (i.e., use frequency) over time, while PCSs with poor maintenance decrease in popularity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 21th International Configuration Workshop
EditorsLothar Hotz, Michel Aldanondo, Thorsten Krebs
Number of pages5
PublisherUniversity of Hamburg
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventWorkshop on Configuration 2019 (ConfWS’19)
- Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 19 Sept 201920 Sept 2019


ConferenceWorkshop on Configuration 2019 (ConfWS’19)
SeriesCEUR Workshop Proceedings


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