Comparative analysis of hourly and dynamic power balancing models for validating future energy scenarios

Jayakrishnan R. Pillai, Kai Heussen, Poul Alberg Østergaard

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Energy system analyses on the basis of fast and simple tools have proven particularly useful for interdisciplinary planning projects with frequent iterations and re-evaluation of alternative scenarios. As such, the tool “EnergyPLAN” is used for hourly balanced and spatially aggregate annual analyses of energy scenarios. For the relatively fast dynamics of electrical energy systems, additional requirements need to be formulated to justify the technical feasibility of the respective scenario. In this article, the comparison is made of energy scenarios for the Danish island of Bornholm. First, the model is verified on the basis of the existing energy mix on Bornholm as an islanded energy system. Future energy scenarios for the year 2030 are analysed to study a feasible technology mix for a higher share of wind power. Finally, the results of the hourly simulations are compared to dynamic frequency simulations incorporating the Vehicle-to-grid technology. The results indicate how the EnergyPLAN model may be improved in terms of intra-hour variability, stability and ancillary services to achieve a better reflection of energy and power capacity requirements.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)3233-3243
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Wind power
    • EnergyPLAN
    • Vehicle-to-grid
    • Frequency regulation
    • Islanded operation
    • Energy system analysis


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