Combined yield criteria for shear-bending in numerical limit analysis of slabs

Thomas Westergaard Jensen, Peter Noe Poulsen, Linh Cao Hoang

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    In the last decades, numerical limit analysis has shown to be an efficient method to determine the load-carrying capacity of slab bridges in bending. However, the load-carrying capacity of concrete slabs can be limited by the shear capacity and the redistribution of shear forces when subjected to concentrated loads. In this paper, an optimized layer model is presented which include limitations on both shear and bending. The layer model is based on a sandwich model, which provides a simple way to determine a safe stress distribution for reinforced concrete slabs subjected to shear and bending. The layer model is formulated in a way that enables implementation in a numerical limit analysis framework where general convex optimization algorithms are used. The interaction of section forces is investigated for different combinations of shear forces, moments and torsion. The optimized layer model is used, in combination with numerical limit analysis, to evaluate a concrete slab subjected to a concentrated load. The results show that the layer model performs very well with numerical limit analysis and it is possible to determine a safe distribution of shear forces, moments and torsion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings for the International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress
    Number of pages10
    Publication date2018
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventThe International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress - Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 7 Oct 201811 Oct 2018
    Conference number: 5


    ConferenceThe International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress


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