Color symmetrical superconductivity in a schematic nuclear quark model

Henrik Bohr, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


In this letter, a novel BCS-type formalism is constructed in the framework of a schematic QCD inspired quark model, having in mind the description of color symmetrical superconducting states. In the usual approach to color superconductivity, the pairing correlations affect only the quasi-particle states of two colors, the single-particle states of the third color remaining unaffected by the pairing correlations. In the theory of color symmetrical superconductivity here proposed, the pairing correlations affect symmetrically the quasi-particle states of the three colors and vanishing net color charge is automatically insured. We stress that the present note is concerned with the description of quark matter in terms of effective models, such as the NJL model, which are solely expressed in terms of fermion operators, so that in them the gluonic gauge fields are not present.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)42001
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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