Collaborative validation of a rapid method for efficient virus concentration in bottled water.

Anna Charlotte Schultz, Sylvie Perelle, Simona Di Pasquale, Katarina Kovac, Dario De Medici, Patrick Fach, Helle Mølgaard Sommer, Jeffrey Hoorfar

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Enteric viruses, including norovirus (NoV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV), have emerged as a major cause of waterborne outbreaks worldwide. Due to their low infectious doses and low concentrations in water samples, an efficient and rapid virus concentration method is required for routine control. Three newly developed methods, A, B and C, for virus concentration in bottled water were compared against the reference method D: (A) Convective Interaction Media (CIM) monolithic chromatography; filtration of viruses followed by (B) direct lysis of viruses on membrane; (C) concentration of viruses by ultracentrifugation; and (D) concentration of viruses by ultrafiltration, for each methods' (A, B and C) efficacy to recover 10-fold dilutions of HAV and feline calicivirus (FCV) spiked in bottles of 1.5L of mineral water. Within the tested characteristics, all the new methods showed better performance than method D. Methods A, B and C shared a limit of detection (LOD(50)) of nine 50%-tissue culture infectious dose (TCID(50)) of FCV/1.5L, but differed with regard to the LOD(50)'s of HAV with 45, 361 and 3607 TCID(50)/1.5L, respectively, and the percentage of recoveries of HAV/FCV with 34/6, 32/25 and 0.3/0.5, respectively. Method B resulted in significantly (p
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Food Microbiology
Issue numberSuppl. 1
Pages (from-to)158-166
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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