Coil and melt compressibility of polymer blends studied by SANS and pVT experiments

S. Janssen, D. Schwahn, T. Springer, K. Mortensen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The average radius of gyration Rg for the isotopic blend deuteropolystyrene/polystyrene (d-PS/PS) and for the blends deuteriopolystyrene/poly(vinyl methyl ether) (d-PS/PVME) and deuteropolystyrene/poly(phenylmethylsiloxane) (d-PS/PPMS) has been measured by SANS experiments as a function of temperature (T) and pressure (p) up to 1.2 kbar. Furthermore, the specific volume as a function of p and T has been measured. The resulting compressibilities βv = -(l/V)(∂V/∂ p) and the compressibility of the radius of gyration, βR = -(3/Rg)(∂R/∂p), were compared. For d-PS/PS the following were found: (i) For T > Tg (Tg = glass temperature) Rg changes with pressure less than the macroscopic sample dimensions (βR < βv), whereas βR decreases with increasing temperature, (ii) At Tg geometrical affinity is approached (βR ≈ βv). (iii) Below Tg there is still an increase of the ratio between βR and βv. This implies that in the glassy regime the polymer chain seems still to be mobile on a “local” scale. Thus, in general, it is concluded that the “matrix effect” in the chain is relatively small both above and below Tg. The value of the temperature coefficient K = ∂ ln(Rg2)/∂T < 0 is consistent with detailed calculations of Yoon et al. For the other blends, where the temperatures are far above Tg, the compressibilities βv and βR differ strongly and the change of their values with temperature is small.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)2555-2560
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


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