Cohesive mixed mode fracture modelling and experiments

Rasmus Walter, John Forbes Olesen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A nonlinear mixed mode model originally developed by Wernersson [Wernersson H. Fracture characterization of wood adhesive joints. Report TVSM-1006, Lund University, Division of Structural Mechanics; 1994], based on nonlinear fracture mechanics, is discussed and applied to model interfacial cracking in a steel–concrete interface. The model is based on the principles of Hillerborgs fictitious crack model, however, the Mode I softening description is modified taking into account the influence of shear. The model couples normal and shear stresses for a given combination of Mode I and II fracture. An experimental set-up for the assessment of mixed mode interfacial fracture properties is presented, applying a bi-material specimen, half steel and half concrete, with an inclined interface and under uniaxial load. Loading the inclined steel–concrete interface under different angles produces load–crack opening curves, which may be interpreted using the nonlinear mixed mode model. The interpretation of test results is carried out in a two step inverse analysis applying numerical optimization tools. It is demonstrated how to perform the inverse analysis, which couples the assumed individual experimental load–crack opening curves. The individual load–crack opening curves are obtained under different combinations of normal and shear stresses. Reliable results are obtained in pure Mode I, whereas experimental data for small mixed mode angles are used to extrapolate the pure Mode II curve.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEngineering Fracture Mechanics
    Issue number18
    Pages (from-to)5163-5176
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Steel–concrete interface
    • Nonlinear fracture mechanics
    • Mixed mode fracture


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