Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis

Henrik Lund (Editor), Frede Kloster Hvelplund, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Poul Alberg Østergaard, Per Christensen, David Connolly, Erik Schaltz, Jayakrishnan R. Pillay, Mads Pagh Nielsen, Claus Felby, Niclas Scott Bentsen, Niels I Meyer, Davide Tonini, Thomas Astrup, Kai Heussen, Poul Erik Morthorst, Frits Møller Andersen, Marie Münster, Lise-Lotte Pade Hansen, Henrik WenzelLorie Hamelin, Jesper Munksgaard, Peter Karnøe, Morten Lind

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report presents a summary of results of the strategic research project “Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis” (CEESA) which was conducted in the period 2007-2011 and funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council together with the participating parties.
    The project was interdisciplinary and involved more than 20 researchers from 7 different university departments or research institutions in Denmark. Moreover, the project was supported by an international advisory panel.
    The results include further development and integration of existing tools and methodologies into coherent energy and environmental analysis tools as well as analyses of the design and implementation of future renewable energy systems.
    For practical reasons, the work has been carried out as an interaction between five work packages, and a number of reports, papers and tools have been reported separately from each part of the project. A list of the separate work package reports is given at the end of this foreword while a complete list of all papers and reports can be found at the end of the report as well as at the following website:
    This report provides a summary of the results of the different project parts in a coherent way by presenting tools and methodologies as well as analyses of the design and implementation of renewable energy systems – including both energy and environmental aspects.
    Original languageDanish
    PublisherDepartment of Development and Planning, Aalborg University
    Number of pages93
    ISBN (Print)978-87-91404-15-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    A strategic research project financed by The Danish Council for Strategic Research Programme Commission on Sustainable Energy and Environment

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