CO2 Emissions from International Shipping

Jørgen Villy Fenhann

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paperResearch

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    International maritime shipping accounts for approximately 800 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year, but it is not regulated by the Paris Agreement. The UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has the task of launching initiatives to reduce the sector’s CO2 emissions, but it is proving difficult to agree on solid rules and restrictions. The strong growth in the global population is causing a growing demand for maritime shipping, resulting in a tendency to increase CO2 emissions in the sector. This working paper describes the current situation regarding international maritime shipping, its regulation of CO2 emissions, and ways of reducing them on the part of the shipowners. Changes have to begin.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    SeriesUNEP DTU Partnership Working Paper Series 2017


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