Co-firing Coal and Straw in a 150 MWe Utility Boiler: Deposition Propensities

Karin Hedebo Andersen, Peter Farkas Binderup Hansen, Kate Wieck-Hansen, Flemming Frandsen, Kim Dam-Johansen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


In order to meet a 20 % reduction in CO2 emissions, based on 1988 levels, by the year 2005, the Danish Government has committed the power companies in Denmark to burn 1.2 million tons of straw per year from the year 2000. A conventional pf-fired boiler at the Danish Power Company Midtkraft has been converted to coal-straw co-combustion and a two year demonstration programme was initiated in December 1995. As part of the demonstration programme, a comprehensive investigation of ash deposition propensities is conducted in the spring of 1996. The investigation is based on deposits collected on temperature controlled probes and in-situ measurements of flue gas temperature, flue gas compositions including alkali metal concentrations and particle and aerosol loading and composition. The study is carried out as collaborative research projects between the Midtkraft Power Company and the Combustion and Harmful Emission Control (CHEC) Research Programme at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. This paper gives an introduction to the collaborative research project concerning ash deposition propensities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiomass for Energy and the Environment. Proc. of 9th European Bioenergy Conference
PublisherPergamon, Elsevier Science
Publication date1996
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Event9th European Bioenergy Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 24 Jun 199627 Jun 1996
Conference number: 9


Conference9th European Bioenergy Conference

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