Co-combustion of Fossil Fuels and Waste

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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The Ph.D. thesis deals with the alternative and high efficiency methods of using waste-derived fuels in heat and power production. The focus is on the following subjects: 1) co-combustion of coal and solid recovered fuel (SRF) under pulverized fuel combustion conditions; 2) dust-firing of straw and the utilization of a waste-derived material as an additive; 3) the combustion of a biomass residue rich in phosphorus. Co-combustion of coal and SRF was conducted in an entrained flow reactor (EFR). The work revealed that when coal was co-fired with up to 25 wt% SRF, the burnout and the emissions of SO2 and NO were decreased with increasing share of SRF, probably due to the combustion characteristics of the SRF and/or the interactions between the SRF and the coal in co-combustion. The Cl content in the fly ash was very low (
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDTU Chemical Engineering
Number of pages182
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-92481-55-9
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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