Co-combustion of coal and SRF in an entrained flow reactor: a preliminary study

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Investigations on co-firing of SRF with two kinds of bituminous coal were carried out in an entrained flow reactor. The experimental results showed that co-combustion of coal and SRF increased the unburnt carbon in fly ashes. The emissions of NO and SO2 were reduced with an increasing share of SRF both due to the low nitrogen and sulphur contents in the SRF and the synergy effects of the fuels. Influences of co-combustion on the deposit formation rate on an air-cooled probe were rather different for the two coals. For COPRIB coal and SRF co-combustion, the deposit formation rate decreased slightly with an increasing share of SRF. For SAKLEI coal and SRF cocombustion, the deposit formation rate showed an increasing trend up to 10 mass percent of SRF, and started to
decrease at a higher SRF share. By analyzing the ash samples, it has been found that the concentrations of some trace elements such as Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were highly enriched in the fly ashes from coal and SRF co-combustion. The effect may due to there are more organically associated trace elements in SRF than coals, and the high Cl content in SRF may enhance the enrichment of trace elements in fly ashes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4th European Combústion Meeting
Number of pages6
PublisherDTU Chemical Engineering
Publication date2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event4th European Combústion Meeting - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 11 Apr 200917 Apr 2009


Conference4th European Combústion Meeting


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