Circular Product Design and Development: CIRCit Workbook 3

S. Shahbazi, A. K. Jönbrink, T. Hjort Jensen, D. C. A. Pigosso, T. C. McAloone

    Research output: Book/ReportBookCommunication

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    Circular Economy business models and closing the loop strategies can only be functional if the products and services are designed for circularity. This workbook presents (i) a set of practical design guidelines for circular product design and (ii) a tool to enable the circularity assessment of alternative concepts to support decision-making in the early product development process. The workbook helps you to integrate Circular Economy into product design and development and answer the question: How to make suitable design decisions for circularity?
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages44
    ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7475-605-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


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    • CIRCit: Circular Economy Integration in the Nordic Industry for enhanced sustainability and competitiveness

      McAloone, T. C. (PI), Pigosso, D. C. A. (Project Manager), Blomsma, F. (Project Participant), Pieroni, M. (PhD Student), Kravchenko, M. (PhD Student), Frederiksen, T. B. (Project Participant), Jönbrink, A.-K. (Project Participant), Hildenbrand, J. (Project Participant), Dahlström, J. (Project Participant), Shahbazi, S. (Project Participant), Li, J. (Project Participant), Kristoffersen, E. (PhD Student), Li, Z. (Project Participant), Wiik, C. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, K. D. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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