Chemical consequences of the nuclear reactions 58Fe(n,γ)59Fe and 57Co(EC)57Fe in soluble Prussian Blue

Jes Fenger, A. G. Maddock, K. E. Siekierska

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    KFe[Fe(CN)6],H2O was prepared with 58Fe in either the cation or the complex, and both samples were neutron-irradiated and analysed for free and complexed 59Fe. Parallel experiments were performed on K4[Fe(CN)6],3H2O. In Prussian Blue the retention in the hexacyano-complex is ca. 5% and can be increased only slightly by annealing, whereas it is ca. 20% in the simple hexacyanide and increases to 30% on annealing. It is suggested that the low retention in Prussian Blue is due to competition between recoil 59Fe and inactive Fe3+ for re-formation of the complex. Mössbauer experiments were performed on KFe[Fe(CN)6],H2O doped with 57Co as cation or in the complex. The spectra showed that 57Fe formed by the 57Co(EC)57Fe process in the cationic 57Co does not enter the complex. 57Fe formed from [57Co(CN)6] however appears principally in a different complex species, probably losing a CN– ligand to form a pentacyanide.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of the Chemical Society. A. Inorganic, physical, theoretical
    Pages (from-to)3255-3261
    Publication statusPublished - 1970


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