Characterization of Pt-coated twin paraboloidal laboratory capillary high energy X-ray optics

Anthony Seret*, Jan Kehres, Carsten Gundlach, Ulrik Lund Olsen, Henning Friis Poulsen, Dorte Juul Jensen, Mark Cordier, Benjamin Stripe, Wenbing Yun, Yubin Zhang

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Novel focusing optics composed of twin paraboloidal capillaries coated with Pt, for laboratory X-ray sources are presented and characterized. The optics are designed to focus the X-rays, resulting in an achromatic focused beam with photon energies up to 40x2009;keV. The performance of the optics under different operational conditions is studied by comparing the energy-photon count spectra of the direct and focused beams. Based on these analyses, the optics gain and efficiency as a function of photon energy are determined. A focal spot of 8.5x2009;x00B5;m with a divergence angle of 0.59x00B0; is observed. The obtained characteristics are discussed and related to theoretical considerations. Moreover, the suitability and advantages of the present optics for X-ray microdiffraction is demonstrated using polycrystalline aluminium. Finally, possibilities for further developments are suggested.
Original languageEnglish
JournalOptics Express
Issue number23
Pages (from-to)38840-38853
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

This is a paper supported by the M4D project (M4D ERC grant agreement, project number 788567).


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  • ERC M4D projekt

    Hovad, E. (Collaborative Partner), Jensen, D. J. (Project Applicant), Zhang, Y. (Project Applicant) & Fang, H. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research

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