Characterization of natural anaerobic dechlorination of TCE and 1,1,1-TCA in clay till including isotope fractionation and molecular biological tools

Ida Damgaard, J. Bælum, D. Hunkeler, Charlotte Scheutz, Julie Claire Claudia Chambon, Poul Løgstrup Bjerg, Philip John Binning, C.S. Jacobsen, Mette Martina Broholm

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    One of the major challenges when using enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) as a remediation technology at clay till sites is to obtain good contact between added agents such as donor, bacteria and the contamination. It is unclear whether degradation only takes place in fractures and/or sand lenses/stringers or if degradation in the clay till matrix is possible. In this study a 30 year old contaminated clay till site where natural degradation of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes is occurring is investigated to obtain a better understanding of the processes driving anaerobic dechlorination including the location of degradation in the fracture matrix geology. An extensive field collection of cores and discrete soil sampling has been conducted and samples have been analysed using state of the art microbial and chemical tools including isotope fractionation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGQ10 : Proceeding Papers. CD-ROM
    PublisherIAHS Press
    Publication date2010
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventGroundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World : 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference - Zurich, Switzerland
    Duration: 13 Jun 201018 Jun 2010
    Conference number: 7


    ConferenceGroundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World : 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference
    Internet address


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