Characterization of Dielectric Electroactive Polymer transducers

Dennis Nielsen, Martin B. Møller, Rahimullah Sarban, Benny Lassen, Arnold Knott, Michael A. E. Andersen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This paper analysis the small-signal model of the Dielectric Electro Active Polymer (DEAP) transducer. The DEAP transducer have been proposed as an alternative to the electrodynamic transducer in sound reproduction systems. In order to understand how the DEAP transducer works, and provide guidelines for design optimization, accurate characterization of the transducer must be established. The small signal model of the DEAP transducer is derived and verified. Impedance measurements are shown for a push-pull DEAP based loudspeaker, and the dependency of the biasing voltage is explained.
    A measuring setup is proposed, which allows the impedance to be measured, while the DEAP transducer is connected to its biasing source.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of SPIE
    Number of pages8
    PublisherSPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventSPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2014 - Town & Country Resort and Convention Cente, San Diego, United States
    Duration: 9 Mar 201413 Mar 2014


    ConferenceSPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2014
    LocationTown & Country Resort and Convention Cente
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CitySan Diego
    Internet address


    • Dielectric electroactive polymers
    • Lumped equivalent model
    • Loudspeaker


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