Characterization of CA-MRSA TCH1516 exposed to nafcillin in bacteriological and physiological media

Saugat Poudel, Hannah Tsunemoto, Michael Meehan, Richard Szubin, Connor A. Olson, Anne Lamsa, Yara Seif, Nicholas Dillon, Alison Vrbanac, Joseph Sugie, Samira Dahesh, Jonathan M. Monk, Pieter C. Dorrestein, Joseph Pogliano, Rob Knight, Victor Nizet, Bernhard O. Palsson, Adam M. Feist

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Cation adjusted-Mueller Hinton Broth (CA-MHB) is the standard bacteriological medium utilized in the clinic for the determination of antibiotic susceptibility. However, a growing number of literature has demonstrated that media conditions can cause a substantial difference in the efficacy of antibiotics and antimicrobials. Recent studies have also shown that minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests performed in standard cell culture media (e.g. RPMI and DMEM) are more indicative of in vivo antibiotic efficacy, presumably because they are a better proxy for the human host's physiological conditions. The basis for the bacterial media dependent susceptibility to antibiotics remains undefined. To address this question, we characterized the physiological response of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) during exposure to sub-inhibitory concentrations of the beta-lactam antibiotic nafcillin in either CA-MHB or RPMI + 10% LB (R10LB). Here, we present high quality transcriptomic, exo-metabolomic and morphological data paired with growth and susceptibility results for MRSA cultured in either standard bacteriologic or more physiologic relevant medium.
Original languageEnglish
Article number43
JournalScientific Data
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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