Carrier-selective p- and n-contacts for efficient and stable photocatalytic water reduction

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The successful realization of carrier-selective contacts for crystalline silicon (c-Si) based device for pho-tocatalytic hydrogen production has been demonstrated. The proposed TiO2protected carrier-selectivecontacts resemble a metal-oxide-semiconductor configuration, including a highly-doped nanocrystallinesilicon (nc-Si) and a tunnel oxide, thereby form a heterostructure with the c-Si substrate. By substitutingconventional pn+-junction Si by c-Si/SiOX/nc-Si structure for both front and back contacts we demon-strate a 16% increase in photovoltage (an open circuit voltage of 584 mV under AM 1.5G conditions).TiOprotected carrier-selective photoelectrodes showed excellent long-term durability in acidic aqueoussolution having stable photocurrent output for more than 40 days, implying that the proposed carrier-selective contact is a promising configuration to substitute for the conventional pn-junction based c-Siphotocathodes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCatalysis Today
Pages (from-to)59-64
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Photocatalysis
  • Carrier-selective contact
  • hydrogen evolution
  • metal-oxide-semiconductor


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    Præstrud, M. R. (Project Participant) & Brodersen, S. W. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research

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