High voltage low inductance capacitors are used in converters as HVDC-links, snubber circuits and sub model (MMC) capacitances. They facilitate the possibility of large peak currents under high frequent or transient voltage applications. On the other hand, using capacitors with larger equivalent series inductances include the risk of transient overvoltages, with a negative effect on life time and reliability of the capacitors. These allowable limits of such current and voltage peaks are decided by the ability of the converter components, including the capacitors, to withstand them over the expected life time. In this paper results are described from investigations on the electrical environment of these capacitors, including all the conditions they would be exposed to, thereby trying to find the tradeoffs needed to find a suitable capacitor. Different types of capacitors with the same voltage ratings and capacitances where investigated and compared a) on a component scale, characterizing the capacitors transient performance and b) as part of different converter applications, where the series inductance plays a role. In that way, better insight is achieved on how the capacitor construction can affect the total performance of the converter.
Original language | English |
Title of host publication | Proceedings of the 23th Nordic insulation symposium |
Number of pages | 4 |
Publisher | IEEE |
Publication date | 2013 |
Publication status | Published - 2013 |
Event | 23rd Nordic Insulation Symposium - Norwegian University of Technology, Trondheim, Norway Duration: 9 Jun 2013 → 12 Jun 2013 Conference number: 23 |
Conference | 23rd Nordic Insulation Symposium |
Number | 23 |
Location | Norwegian University of Technology |
Country/Territory | Norway |
City | Trondheim |
Period | 09/06/2013 → 12/06/2013 |