Calibration of an audio frequency noise generator

Joseph M. Diamond

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A noise generator of known output is very convenient in noise measurement. At low audio frequencies, however, all devices, including noise sources, may be affected by excess noise (1/f noise). It is therefore very desirable to be able to check the spectral density of a noise source before it is used for measurement purposes. The spectral density of a noise source may be found by measuring its rms output over a known noise bandwidth. Such a bandwidth may be provided by a passive filter using accurately known elements. For example, the parallel resonant circuit with purely parallel damping has a noise bandwidth Bn = π/2 × (3dB bandwidth). To apply this method to low audio frequencies, the noise bandwidth of the low Q parallel resonant circuit has been found, including the effects of both series and parallel damping. The method has been used to calibrate a General Radio 1390-B noise generator, for the range 30-10 000 Hz. The results found agree well with the specified performance of the generator.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE -Trans on Audio & Electroacoustics
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)96-100
    Publication statusPublished - 1966


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