Calculation of expected rates of fisheries‐induced evolution in data‐poor situations

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


A central part of an impact assessment of the evolutionary effects of fishing is a calculation of the expected rates of fishing induced by current fishing practice and an evaluation of how alternative fishing patterns may reduce evolutionary impacts of fishing. Here a general size-based framework for modeling the demography of fish based on size-based prescriptions of natural mortality, growth, and fishing is presented. Life history theory is used to reduce the necessary parameter set by utilizing relations between parameters making the framework particularly well suited for data-poor situations where only the size at maturation or the asymptotic size is known. The framework is applied to perform the modeling part of an evolutionary impact assessment using basic quantitative genetics to calculated expected rates of evolution on size at maturation, growth rate, and investment in gonads. A sensitivity analysis of the parameter values is performed, and calculations of how different fishing patterns influences the results are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventICES Council Meeting 2010 - Nantes, France
Duration: 20 Sept 201024 Sept 2010


ConferenceICES Council Meeting 2010
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