Cache-mesh, a Dynamics Data Structure for Performance Optimization

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This paper proposes the cache-mesh, a dynamic mesh data structure in 3D that allows modifications of stored topological relations effortlessly. The cache-mesh can adapt to arbitrary problems and provide fast retrieval to the most-referred-to topological relations. This adaptation requires trivial extra effort in implementation with the cache-mesh, whereas it may require tremendous effort using traditional meshes. The cache-mesh also gives a further boost to the performance with parallel mesh processing by caching the partition of the mesh into independent sets. This is an additional advantage of the cache-mesh, and the extra work for caching is also trivial. Though it appears that it takes effort for initial implementation, building the cache-mesh is comparable to a traditional mesh in terms of implementation.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProcedia Engineering
Pages (from-to)193-205
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event26th International Meshing Roundtable - Crowne Plaza Fira Center, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 18 Sept 201721 Sept 2017


Conference26th International Meshing Roundtable
LocationCrowne Plaza Fira Center


  • Cache
  • Geometry processing
  • Dynamics structure
  • Data Structure
  • Performance optimization


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