Book of presentations of the International Workshop on High Temperature Heat Pumps

Brian Elmegaard (Editor), Benjamin Zühlsdorf (Editor), Lars Reinholdt (Editor), Michael Bantle (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportReportCommunication

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    Modern society moves towards an electrifed energy system based on wind, solarand other renewable sources. Utilizing these sources effciently by heat pumps ishighly attractive and a significant potential for improving the energy system byextensive adaptation of heat pumping technology in all fields exists. However, challenges are present for heat pump technology. In particular for high temperature applications like industrial processes and to some extent district heating, heat pumps are not yet commercially available. In some countries the expansion already occurs, but other places the development is much more limited. Some obstacles relate to regulations and boundary conditions which may not be favorablefor heat pumps and electrification. But, the level of the technology willprobably also improve with regards to temperature limits, efficiency, capacity, and economy, and hence inherently become an attractive alternative to fossil fuels.The focus on developments for the future is apparent in both industrial and scientific research and development activities at all levels. DTU Technical University of Denmark, Danish Technological Institute and Norwegian SINTEF are all involved in these activities in collaboration with national and international partners. Based on these common interests and the many exciting activities we decided to invite for a workshop for a broad audience ranging from manufacturers, systemsuppliers, industrial users, consultants, research institutes, and academia. The meeting attracted more than 60 participants attending the 18 talks and a final panel discussion on the 11. September 2017 in Copenhagen.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages176
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventInternational Workshop on High Temperature Heat Pumps - National Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 11 Sept 201711 Sept 2017


    WorkshopInternational Workshop on High Temperature Heat Pumps
    LocationNational Museum
    Internet address


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    • THERMCYC: Advanced thermodynamic cycles utilising low-temperature heat sources

      Elmegaard, B. (Project Manager), Haglind, F. (Project Participant), Clausen, L. R. (Project Participant), Kærn, M. R. (Project Participant), Markussen, W. B. (Project Participant), Sin, G. (Project Participant), Gani, R. (Project Participant), Meroni, A. (PhD Student), Andreasen, J. G. (PhD Student), Cignitti, S. (PhD Student), Frutiger, J. (PhD Student), Babi, D. K. (Project Participant), Sørensen, I. (Project Coordinator), Pierobon, L. (Project Participant), Zhang, L. (Project Participant), Zühlsdorf, B. (Project Participant) & Mancini, R. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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