Biological Effectiveness and Application of Heavy Ions in Radiation Therapy Described by a Physical and Biological Model

Kjeld J. Olsen, Johnny W. Hansen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    A description is given of the physical basis for applying track structure theory in the determination of the effectiveness of heavy-ion irradiation of single- and multi-hit target systems. It will be shown that for applying the theory to biological systems the effectiveness of heavy-ion irradiation is inadequately described by an RBE-factor, whereas the complete formulation of the probability of survival must be used, as survival depends on both radiation quality and dose. The theoretical model of track structure can be used in dose-effect calculations for neutron-, high-LET, and low-LET radiation applied simultaneously in therapy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde
    PublisherDanmarks Tekniske Universitet, Risø Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi
    Number of pages42
    ISBN (Print)87-55-00886-0
    Publication statusPublished - 1982
    SeriesDenmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R


    • Risø-R-477


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