Biochemical Process and Microbial Evolution in the Conversion of Corn Straw Combined with Coal to Biogas

Wei Zhang, Zebin Wang, Hongyu Guo*, Libo Li, Minglu Zhang, Wen Zhang, Xiaoguang Sun, Shixuan Sun, Congliang Kou, Weizhong Zhao

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The combined anaerobic fermentation of coal and straw can increase the production of biogas. To explore the mechanism of adding corn straw to increase methane production, coal with different metamorphic degrees and corn straw were collected for biogas production simulation experiments under different substrate ratios. The changes in liquid products, the structure of lignocellulose in corn straw, and microbial evolution were monitored. The results showed that the combined fermentation of bituminous coal A with corn straw and bituminous coal C with corn straw at a mass ratio of 2:1 each ((AC-2) and (CC-2)) and that of bituminous coal B and corn straw at a mass ratio of 3:1 (BC-3) had the best gas production, and methane yields reached 17.28, 12.51, and 14.88 mL/g, respectively. The fermentation liquid had organic matter with more types and higher contents during the early and peak stages of gas production, and fewer types of organic matter were detected in the terminal stage. The degradation of lignocelluloses in the corn straw of AC-2 was higher. With the increase in fermentation time, the carbohydrates in the fermentation system increased and the degradation rate of cellulose decreased gradually. The abundance of genes related to nitrate reduction gradually increased, while that of sulfate reduction was on the contrary. Bacteria in the cofermentation system mainly metabolized carbohydrates. During cofermentation with high metamorphic coal, corn straw would be preferentially degraded. The structure of the archaea community changed from Methanosarcina and Methanothrix to Methanobacterium.
Original languageEnglish
JournalACS Omega
Issue number35
Pages (from-to)31138-31148
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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