Best practice strategies for validation of micro moulding process simulation

Franco Costa, Guido Tosello, Ben Whiteside

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    The use of simulation for injection moulding design is a powerful tool which can be used up-front to avoid costly tooling modifications and reduce the number of mould trials. However, the accuracy of the simulation results depends on many component technologies and information, some of which can be easily controlled or known by the simulation analyst and others which are not easily known. For this reason, experimental validation studies are an important tool for establishing best practice methodologies for use during analysis set up on all future design projects. During the validation studies, detailed information about the moulding process is gathered and used to establish these methodologies. Whereas in routine design projects, these methodologies are then relied on to provide efficient but reliable working practices. Data analysis and simulations on preliminary micro-moulding experiments have been conducted. Numerous difficulties are identified which must be overcome for the accurate simulation of the micro-moulding process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages28
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    SeriesReport for FP7 EU project COTECH “Converging Technologies for Micro Systems Manufacturing"

    Bibliographical note

    SP4 – Material Optimization, Simulation, Quality Control and Reliability, WP4.4 – Processes Simulation (Grant Agreement no.: CP-IP 214491-2 COTECH)


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