Balanced Ecological Use of Biomass Ressources in Denmark

Niels I Meyer, Vilhjalmur Nielsen, B. T. Christensen, P Kølster, C. Søgaard

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Renewable energy sources play a central role in the creation of a sustainable energy development. Due to the fluctuating nature of several renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and waves, new methodologies are needed for planning of energy supply systems. When biomass or hydro power sources are available, the systems planning is facilitated. Denmark is one of the first countries in the world to officially commit itself to reduce its emission of CO2 by at least 20% by year 2005. As Denmark has no hydro power, biomass plays an important role for a future sustainable energy system. Especially surplus straw and animal manure (for biogas) from agriculture. This paper describes the potential of biomass in the Danish energy supply system three to four decades ahead. The use of biomass for energy purposes may however conflict with the need to maintain soil quality of arable fields. Concerned ecological farmers claim that crop residues and animal manure should all be returned to the fields in order to improve soil organic matter levels. Consequently they oppose the export of these biomass resources for energy purposes with subsequent combustion and loss of carbon and nutrients. This conflict involves interest groups which are all supporting a sustainable development but with different priorities. What should have highest priority: ecological farming or the supply of sufficient renewable energy sources? The official Danish policies are supporting both an expansion of ecological farming and an expansion of renewables in the energy supply system. If a large part of Danish agriculture is transformed into ecological farming, some complicated ecological, technical and systems problems will have to be solved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBalanced Ecological Use of Biomass Ressources in Denmark
    PublisherTaylor & Francis
    Publication date1996
    Publication statusPublished - 1996
    EventRenewable Energy Conference & Workshop - Cairo, Egypt
    Duration: 1 Jan 1996 → …


    ConferenceRenewable Energy Conference & Workshop
    CityCairo, Egypt
    Period01/01/1996 → …


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