Bacterial vehicle for engineering of non-phagocytic immune cells

Scott Quainoo (Inventor), Morten Otto Alexander Sommer (Inventor), Sarah Aparecida Soares (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The invention provides an invasive recombinant bacterial cell for use in prevention and/or treatment of an immune-related disorder; said bacterial cell comprising one or more recombinant nucleic acid molecule(s) encoding one or more therapeutic agent(s) for use in prevention and/or treatment of said immune-related disease in a mammal in need thereof.

Original languageEnglish
IPCA61P 37/ 00 A I
Patent numberWO2022008550
Filing date07/07/2020
Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Priority date07/07/2020
Priority numberEP20200184439
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jan 2022


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