Aviation attacks based on ILS and VOR vulnerabilities

Gaurav Choudhary, Vikas Sihag, Shristi Gupta, Shishir Kumar Shandilya

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Aim: As the aviation industry grows more digital and reliant on wireless technology, it has grown more appealing to
cyber criminals, including nation-state actors and terrorists. Vulnerabilities in a wide range of networked devices and
(sub)systems, as well as their implementations and design defects, can be used to carry out malicious operations.
The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive survey threats on aviation communication models.
Methods We describe an overview of aviation threat model and attacks. A detailed taxonomy predicated on security
vulnerability is presented. Further, this paper discusses the research aspects and challenges to be taken care of in
aviation security and communication Finally, we conclude with a summary of the current state of threats and their
consequences for widely-used aviation models.
Results The main findings of this study is to introduce fundamental security vulnerabilities of aviation model and
classify into categories to efficiently analyze them. Vulnerabilities of VOR, ILS systems and their impact are also
discussed. Moreover, we describe and assess mitigation systems to defense these attacks.
Conclusion We conclude that the aviation system is still exposed to various attacks. We examine key technological
challenges that have been serving as a deterrent to adopting more secure alternative approaches, as well as research
avenues where further progress is needed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Surveillance, Security and Safety
Pages (from-to)27­-40
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Aviation
  • Attacks
  • Vulnerability
  • ILS
  • VOR


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