Automatic Detection of Archaeological Sites Using a Hybrid Process of Remote Sensing, GIS Techniques and a Shape Detection Algorithm

Ian Bridgwood, Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Mikael Kamp Sørensen, Renzo Carlucci, Fabrizio Bernardini, Ahmed Osman

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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A method is presented for the automatic identification of lost or undiscovered archaeological sites in Egypt by using shape detection techniques on satellite imagery superposed in a GIS environment. For an area of interest, the EO data available from various satellites is pre-processed and from historical plans a shape file of the archaeological structure of interest is produced. A shape detection algorithm employing a shape matched operator is applied to the EO image to produce a
detection image identifying the most probable location of the archaeological structure of interest. The shapematched operator employed is the derivative of double exponential (DODE) operator. The final product is a GIS data set assembled as a list of required features and layers, all converted and processed in the same Geographical Reference System.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2007
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes
EventENVISAT Symposium 2007 - Montreux, Switzerland
Duration: 23 Apr 200727 Apr 2007


ConferenceENVISAT Symposium 2007
Internet address


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