Audio-visual sound localization in virtual reality

Thirsa Huisman*, Tobias Piechowiak, Torsten Dau, Ewen MacDonald

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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Virtual reality (VR) can be a strong research tool in audio-visual (AV) experiments. It allows us to investigate AV integration in complex and realistic settings. Here, using a VR setup-up in combination with a loudspeaker array, 16 normal-hearing participants were tested on their sound localization abilities. The virtual environment consisted of a 1:1 model of the experimental environment except with the loudspeaker array replaced by a ring. This ring indicated the height, but not the position of the loudspeakers. The visual component of the stimuli consisted of a ball falling and then bouncing once on the ring after which it disappeared. As the ball collided with the ring, an impact sound was played from a loudspeaker. Participants were asked to indicate the apparent sound origin, for both congruent and incongruent visual and audio spatial positions ranging from -30 to 30 degrees. The VR visual stimuli in combination with real auditory stimuli were capable of inducing AV integration. The range of this integration extended, for several participants, over large ranges of AV disparity compared to some earlier studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research : Auditory Learning in Biological and Artificial Systems
PublisherThe Danavox Jubilee Foundation
Publication date2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventInternational Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research: Auditory Learning in Biological and Artificial Systems - Nyborg, Denmark
Duration: 21 Aug 202023 Aug 2020
Conference number: 7


ConferenceInternational Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research
Internet address
SeriesProceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research


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