title = "Association Euratom - Ris{\o} National Laboratory annual progress report 2006",
abstract = "The programme of the Research Unit of the Fusion Association Euratom - Ris{\o} National Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark, covers work in fusion plasma physics and in fusion technology. The fusion plasma physics research focuses on turbulence and transport, and its interaction with the plasma equilibrium and particles. The effort includes both first principles based modelling, and experimental observations of turbulence and of fast ion dynamics by collective Thomson scattering. The activities in technology cover investigations of radiation damage of fusion reactor materials. These activities contribute to the Next Step, the Long-term and the Underlying Fusion Technology programme. A summary is presented of the results obtained in the Research Unit during 2006.",
keywords = "Energiteknologier p{\aa} vej, Ris{\o}-R-1603, Ris{\o}-R-1603(EN)",
editor = "Poul Michelsen and Singh, {Bachu Narain}",
note = "Ris{\o}-R-1603(EN)",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-87-550-3592-8",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "1603(EN)",
publisher = "Ris{\o} National Laboratory",