Assessment of three noodle products based on measurements of total capsaicin content in chilli sauce

Research output: Memorandum/expositionMemorandum

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In an email of 14 June 2024, DTU National Food Institute received information from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, which has been provided with new information from a law firm about the composition of the three brands of ‘hot and spicy’ noodles which differs from what has previously been assessed in a memo dated 6 June 2024. In the memo from 6 June 2024, the calculations of the total capsaicin content were made based on an assumption that the chilli strength came from both noodles and chilli sauce in a pack of instant noodles. On 20 June 2024, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration forwarded the company’s analyses of the content of capsaicin in all three chilli sauces and, in one case, also of dihydrocapsaicin in the sauces to be mixed with the three noodle products. Here information is provided that chilli is only spicing the chilli sauce and not the noodles. The same information had also been received from the law firm.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration would like health assessment of the products based on this information. A quick response has been requested.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Number of pages10
Project No.24/1008668
ApplicantDanish Veterinary and Food Administration
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Risikovurdring


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