Assessing Organizational Capabilities: Reviewing and Guiding the Development of Maturity Grids

Anja Maier, James Moultrie, P John Clarkson

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    Managing and improving organizational capabilities is a significant and complex issue for many companies. To support management and enable improvement, performance assessments are commonly used. One way of assessing organizational capabilities is by means of maturity grids. Whilst maturity grids may share a common structure, their content differs and very often they are developed anew. This paper presents both a reference point and guidance for developing maturity grids. This is achieved by reviewing existing maturity grids and by suggesting a roadmap for their development. The review of more than twenty maturity grids places particular emphasis on embedded assumptions about organizational change in the formulation of the maturity ratings. The suggested roadmap encompasses four phases: planning, development, evaluation and maintenance. Each phase discusses a number of decision points for development, such as the selection of process areas, maturity levels and the delivery mechanism. An example demonstrating the roadmap’s implementation in industrial practice is provided. The roadmap can also be used to evaluate existing approaches. In concluding the paper, implications for management practice and research are presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Transactions on Engineering Management
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)138-159
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • design science
    • interface management
    • project management
    • organizational change
    • maturity grid
    • Communication
    • maturity matrix
    • organizational capabilities
    • process improvement
    • maturity model
    • quality management
    • new product development
    • performance assessment


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