ASC-1: An Authenticated Encryption Stream Cipher

Goce Jakimoski, Samant Khajuria

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The goal of the modes of operation for authenticated encryption is to achieve faster encryption and message authentication by performing both the encryption and the message authentication in a single pass as opposed to the traditional encrypt-then-mac approach, which requires two passes. Unfortunately, the use of a block cipher as a building block limits the performance of the authenticated encryption schemes to at most one message block per block cipher evaluation.
    In this paper, we propose the authenticated encryption scheme ASC-1 (Authenticating Stream Cipher One). Similarly to LEX, ASC-1 uses leak extraction from diÆerent AES rounds to compute the key material that is XOR-ed with the message to compute the ciphertext. Unlike LEX, the ASC-1 operates in a CFB fashion to compute an authentication tag over the encrypted message. We argue that ASC-1 is secure by reducingits (IND-CCA , INT-CTXT) security to the problem of distinguishing the case when the round keys are uniformly random from the case when the round keys are generated by a key scheduling algorithm.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSAC 2011 Selected Areas in Cryptography
    Number of pages18
    Publication date2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventSAC 2011 Selected Areas in Cryptography - Toronto, Canada
    Duration: 11 Aug 201112 Aug 2011


    ConferenceSAC 2011 Selected Areas in Cryptography


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